The Stress of Diagnosis
The Naturopathic Practitioners at Interactive Health Clinic offer an integrative oncology treatment. Hearing that you have cancer is traumatic. What follows is no less harrowing. Navigating all the information, referrals, evaluations, and recommendations is overwhelmingly stressful.
Stress alone has a negative impact on the immune system. This is because stress stimulates the release of cortisol from the adrenal glands. Cortisol has two significant effects on the immune system. First, it causes a decrease in the production of lymphocytes, your body’s defense against infection and cancer.
Secondly, cortisol interrupts the chemical communication between lymphocytes. This decreases the effectiveness of existing white blood cells. Consequently, simply finding out about your disease is already fueling it. Integrative oncology treatment maximizes your body’s defense against cancerous invasion.
What is Integrative Oncology Treatment?
To understand integrative oncology, it is necessary first to understand what integrative treatment of any kind means. Integrative medicine combines scientifically proven and accepted modalities and lifestyle adaptations to improve health and wellness to an optimal state. It is not problem-oriented but addresses the person as a whole.
Integrative oncology treatment addresses specific concerns when diagnosed with cancer. The goals are to address the body, mind, and soul during diagnosis, treatment, and recovery and then prolong remission.
What is a Naturopathic Physician?
The physician at Interactive Health Clinic graduated from a rigorous program of medical study with a Naturopathic Physician degree (ND). They function much like M.D. and D.O. primary care physicians by performing physical examinations, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, and having noncontrolled prescriptive practice. In addition, NDs are certified to perform minor surgical procedures.
Make sure to distinguish your ND from an A.R.N.P. (Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner). Nurse practitioners are educated in advanced nursing. Your Naturopathic Physician was educated in the medical model at an accredited Naturopathic Medical School. Some Nurse Practitioners hold a Doctorate of Nursing degree, further complicating professional identification.
When to Consider Starting Integrative Cancer Treatment
Ideally, you have been a regular patient and were diagnosed by one of the physicians at Interactive Health Clinic. In that case, you have a substantial head start in defending yourselfagainst cancer. Having your body and mind in prime condition before developing cancer would be optimal.
There is an expression that applies, “it’s never too late.” No matter where in the process you are, from newly diagnosed to after ending treatments, you will noticeably benefit from integrative cancer treatments. There’s another saying, “There’s no time like the present.”
What Therapies Can Help Cancer?
Each patient presents for integrative oncology treatment with a unique set of circumstances; thus, receives comprehensive care. After a thorough history and complete physical examination, the physician will review all the medical records, most recent blood work, scans, and notes from your other doctors. Then individualized options can be offered and explained.
The basic approach is a comprehensive plan to augment the oncologist’s care. Enjoy better outcomes by enhancing conventional treatments. Recover faster from the side effects of traditional therapies.
The following are some of the possible modalities that can be used for integrative oncology treatment.
Nutrition Guidance
There is an entire science involving diet in cancer states. Certain foods contain elements that can promote cancer growth and those that can inhibit malignant reproduction. Your physician is a nutrition expert with the most current cancer diet information available. Nutrition is paramount in integrative oncology treatment.
Nutritional Supplementation
The Interactive Medicine Clinic has an intravenous lounge. Fluid, medication, and supplements are directly absorbed into the body when administered by a vein. Dehydration is a common side effect of chemotherapy. As the on-site physicians can prescribe, anti-vomiting medication can also be delivered with the fluid.
In addition, electrolytes, iron, and protein can be administered intravenously to replace the losses from chemotherapy and chronic illness. Prepared therapies include IV Immune Builder, Vitamin C, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Curcumin extracts, Artesunate, and a full Nutrient Repletion. -
Vitamin Injection Bar
The Vitamin Injection Bar offers 14 different injections if you do not require fluids but need essential replacements and preventatives. Each injection addresses specific concerns or deficits.
Your personalized integrative oncology treatment may include visits to the Vitamin Injection Bar.
Mistletoe and Helleborus Therapy
Both medical Mistletoe (Viscum album) and Winter Rose (Helleborus niger) have been used in cancer and autoimmune disease for centuries. Modern scientific study has proven its beneficial effects on cancer patients. Its primary action is as an anti-inflammatory; however, improved mental status and mood have also been reported.
There are several ways to administer the approved herbal ingredients. They can be given by injection, intravenously, or by nebulizer. You will decide with your doctor which route is best for your needs. Response doses vary, so be prepared to increase dosages initially over time until therapeutic effects are maximized.
Acupuncture is a centuries-old therapy originating in China. Extensive clinical investigation shows its benefits, although results vary by patient and the condition being treated. It has been used effectively for anesthesia for surgery, pain relief, emotional stability (anxiety and depression), and many other disorders. The Federal Drug Administration (F.D.A.) has approved its use in 100 clinical situations.
The implications for acupuncture in naturopathic cancer treatment are multiple. It is believed that acupuncture’s underlying mechanism of action is the stimulation of the body’s defense and repair mechanisms. Traditionalists say that by influencing the flow of Qi (the energy force within) at specific points, the Qi will return to the associated area to homeostasis.
Cancer Is On The Rise
Data from NCI gathered between 2015 to 2017 showed the chances of developing cancer in a lifetime was 39.5%. With a four out of ten chance of developing cancer, it would be prudent to put an integrative oncology treatment plan in place before you get sick. The stronger you are physically and mentally should you develop cancer, the better your outcome will be.
Primary or Adjunctive Care
The potential patient population is unlimited with the extent of services available at Interactive Health Clinic. You may have a primary issue to be investigated, diagnosed, and treated. You may also be a patient at another office, such as an oncologist, and require adjunctive support. You may simply want to be the best you that you can be. For further information and/or to schedule a consultation with one of our highly experienced functional medicine doctors please contact Interactive Health Clinic at 425.361.7945 or visit www.InteractiveHealthClinic.com to learn more.