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Interactive Health Care

A practice of Naturopathic Medicine like Interactive Health Clinic provides the foundation of health and wellness. It can operate independently or cooperatively with other medical, health, and wellness modalities. The Physicians and staff at Interactive Health Clinic provide a comprehensive approach to physical and mental well-being.

Comprehensive Care

What would the ideal health team be? It would certainly include a medical professional with current certification in acute and management of chronic medical issues. But wouldn’t having an available, proactive component be just as desirable? That practice emphasizes health maintenance equally, if not more, than health problem-solving.

The best possible outcomes for every patient are encouraged by the team approach of caring professionals at Interactive Health Clinic. The organization of multiple disciplines coordinates to address every avenue of health and wellness available to each unique patient presentation.

A Paradigm Shift

Conventional medical practices are often more concerned with the “end line” than “quality of care.” Interactive Health Clinic believes that disease prevention and inhibiting disease progression is as important as treating the outcomes from new and poorly managed chronic disease processes. For example, why not prevent diabetes than treat the consequences of the disease, including loss of limb, end-organ failure, death for the patient, and soaring health care costs applied to everyone?

What is a Naturopathic Physician?

A Naturopathic Physician holds either an N.D. or an N.M.D. degree from an accredited school of Naturopathic Medicine. Do not confuse this with the “N.P.” Nurse Practitioner designation. Those midlevel clinicians are technically A.R.N.P.s (Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners). A.R.N.P.s holds a degree in advanced nursing, whereas Naturopathic Physicians are trained in the “medical model.”

While Naturopathic Physicians can prescribe medications, it is not the first-choice option in most patient encounters. The stated goals of Naturopathic Medicine include:

  • Removing obstacles to health.
  • Stimulate self-healing mechanisms.
  • Strengthen weakened systems.
  • Correct structural integrity.
  • Restore and rejuvenate using natural substances.
  • Halt progressive pathologies by pharmaceutical therapies.
  • Use high force, invasive modalities, including surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, when necessary.
  • Referral to other degreed professionals when the clinical situation requires.

Interactive Health Clinic

The Naturopathic Physicians and team at Interactive Health Clinic provide several departments that can act independently or in concert with each other. In addition, these therapeutic modalities can coordinate seamlessly with various medical methods outside the Interactive Health Clinic practice.

  1. IV Therapy Lounge. Intravenous access to vitamins and hydration is beneficial during acute stress or contagion exposure. Some of the offered intravenous solutions include:
    • Immune Boost
    • Energize
    • Tune-Up
    • Slim Down
    • Love Potion
  2. Vitamin Injection Bar. No time for an IV drip? Grab the same treatment available in intravenous injection by intramuscular injection. Additional shots include:
    • Brain Boost
    • Recover (athletic)
    • Stress Support (physical and mental)
    • Libido Up
    • Detox (weight loss)
  3. Regenerative Medicine
    Multiple studies have shown that your mental state affects your physical condition (and vice versa). For example, how you think you look affects your feelings of self-worth. This, in turn, can affect your immune system, energy levels, productivity, and social functioning.

    From hair restoration and skin smoothing techniques to replacement of essential amino acid peptides (topically, orally, via nasal spray, and by injection), colon rejuvenation, and up-to-date sexual functioning optimization, the Regenerative Medicine department keeps you looking and feeling as well as possible. The goals of these potential recommendations have both short-term and long-term implications.

  4. Hormone Balancing
    Finding that natural place that is comfortable in your normal hormonal variations or with aging fluctuations is essential to maintain optimal mental and physical wellness. Either with hormone replacement therapy with prescriptive or natural ingredients or methods to ease the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, Interactive Health Clinic supports your needs with the most advanced information and sophisticated interventions available.
  5. Integrative Oncology
    It is common knowledge what the side effects of traditional chemotherapy treatments for cancer can be. Even with modern advances in immune-specific drug therapies, significant stress loads and accumulated cellular debris can still result in unwanted symptoms. In addition, radiation oncology also has an associated side effect profile.

    Multiple interventions at Interactive Health Clinic support patients undergoing necessary but toxic cancer treatments. Our integrative cancer treatments include:

    • IV hydration
    • Nausea and vomiting control
    • Replacement essential amino acids and vitamins
    • Nutritional counseling and supplementation
    • Improve recovery time and give more “good days.”
  6. Biologic Medicine
    Often it is easier to make a single diagnosis for a more complex presentation within the allotted time of a short appointment. At Interactive Health Clinic, however, each patient is thoroughly evaluated, and every common alternative etiology for a complaint is eliminated. Many common exposures, mold, for example, produce a variety of symptoms that can be associated with other severe conditions. The multi-disciplinary team at Interactive Health Clinic, supervised by the Physician staff, explores every clinical possibility.
  7. Acupuncture
    Acupuncture has been a reliable practice in healing arts for centuries. Its use has been repeatedly verified. Some patients experience immediate relief, while others, with different issues, may notice improvement with successive treatments. The addition of this time-honored tradition of Oriental Medicine incorporated into a health and wellness plan significantly improves outcomes.
  8. Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency
    “No pain, no gain” may be accurate, but at Interactive Health Clinic, the pain can be cut short and can maximize and revitalize healthy cells.

    Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (P.E.M.F.):

    • Alleviates pain
    • Increases energy levels and stamina
    • Shortens healing times
    • Detoxifies cellular debris
  9. Lab Testing and Diagnostics
    In keeping with the commitment to integrate the most current medical advances with time-honored and more recent innovative alternative therapies, Interactive Health Clinic provides a comprehensive testing laboratory and referral system for specialty diagnostics. In addition, several specific evaluations are available that are not generally offered at other conventual diagnostic centers. These include:

    • Aging and antioxidant status
    • Environmental pollutant assays
    • Bioimpedance analysis
    • Methylation testing (MTHFR)
    • Small intestinal bowel overgrowth (S.I.B.O.)

Primary or Adjunctive Care

The potential patient population is unlimited with the extent of services available at Interactive Health Clinic. You may be an athlete in need of performance optimization or physical exertion, or injury recovery. You may have a primary issue to be investigated, diagnosed, and treated. You may also be a patient at another office, such as an oncologist, and require adjunctive support. You may simply want to be the best you that you can be. For further information and/or to schedule a consultation with one of our highly experienced functional medicine doctors please contact Interactive Health Clinic at 425.361.7945 or visit to learn more.