Research and the latest understanding of all branches of medicine, including functional medicine, are continuously ongoing. As the world welcomes 2023, reviewing the advances and successful function medicine modalities available at Interactive Health Clinic is an appropriate time. The dedicated doctors and professional staff are committed to providing the latest therapies available.
Functional medicine is a discipline of medicine focused on optimizing physiology to maximize the body’s ability to repair itself. By balancing the system’s chemistry using vitamins, minerals, probiotics, bioidentical hormones, and other modalities, functional medicine provides a natural path to maximum health and wellness.
Every disease state leaves the host in a compromised condition. In addition, side effects from the treatments often compound the toll on the body. A perfect example is a cancer diagnosis and the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or other treatments. Functional medicine minimizes these negative consequences and, in some cases, can prevent them.
Individualized Care Plans
No two cases are the same. Therefore, the Naturopathic Doctors at Interactive Health Clinic perform an exhaustive case review and complete patient assessment before prescribing a course of treatment. Because the genetic variations, concurrent health issues, and lifestyle histories are unique to each patient, the treatment plan is tailored to each individual’s specific needs.
Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Tissue Repair
Vitamins and minerals, including several metals, are required for various bodily functions. Unfortunately, they are often compromised in a debilitating illness. In addition, simple advancing age or lifestyle choices decrease the availability of these vital components. Regenerative medicine provides the necessary building blocks robbed from any process that negatively impacts the body.
Some of the functions in the body that require vitamins and minerals include:
- Reaction Catalyst – Many biochemical reactions for energy, cell reproduction, genetic material transference, and other reactions require vitamins or minerals to “move the reaction along.” By lending or accepting an electron, molecules can change configuration or shape to meet a bodily function need.
- Protein Structure – An ion, particularly a metallic ion, often uses its ionic bonds between protein strands to form a stable complex.
- To Form a Carrier Molecule – Hemoglobin is the most significant example. An iron ion is covalently bound within the tetramer structure of hemoglobin. The iron provides four binding sites for oxygen molecules. The hemoglobin is transported by red blood cells to tissues, where it gives up oxygen to tissues for metabolism. Many disease states and chemotherapies result in anemia from a decrease in available hemoglobin.
Starting Off with a Head Start
Ideally, going into a situation that would require functional medicine, you would be in optimal condition. But unfortunately, most people do not self-advocate for their own health and wellness. Consequently, when faced with an illness, many start off “behind.”
Functional medicine does not only apply to the damages from illness. It is a powerful tool to return the body back to prime operating condition from destructive lifestyle choices. Lack of physical exercise, alcohol, smoking, and stress can affect physical and mental well-being. Interactive Health Clinic is an ally on the path to better health and happiness in 2023.
Functional medicine is a discipline that focuses on the cause of an illness or problem. Most traditional medical models are concerned with symptom control and not the etiology. There are five benefits to functional medicine by a functional medicine doctor.
- Addresses the problem’s source, not simply the symptoms.
- It is patient-focused, not disease oriented. Provides highly personalized care.
- Science-based and proven effectiveness.
- Provides a blueprint for overall health and well-being.
- Utilizes a multi-disciplinary perspective.
At Interactive Health Clinic our mission is to help our patients attain their health goals effectively. We are here to provide solutions for your overall wellness and coherence. For further information or to schedule a consultation with one of our functional medicine doctors to find the best healing modality for your needs, please contact Interactive Health Clinic at (425) 361-7945 or visit to learn more.