In this month’s video Dr. Brenden Cochran talks about the benefits of using peptides in healing.
Tan without UV Tanning Beds
One specific peptide can provide protection for burning in the sun. Peptides are amino acids that we can delivery to the body to stimulate different physiological changes. One specific peptide called Melanotan II we use in the clinic can increase your skin melanin production to provide a tan without using chemical spray on products or damaging your skin with harmful UV tanning beds. This increase in melanin causes your skin to become tan so when you are in the sun you are less likely to burn then if you are exposed without the melanin.
Reduce or Eliminate the Need for Sunscreen
It can reduce or eliminate the need for sunscreen depending on the length of time you are planning to spend in the sun.
Increased Libido
Another benefit some people find with this specific peptide is it does have the side effect of increasing libido in both men and women.
For more information about the benefits of peptides please schedule a visit with our doctors by visiting our website at or give us a call at 425-361-7945.